This may be because, in 19 years, neither of us have ever remembered to celebrate it... or at least never at the same time.
Sometimes I remember , sometimes he does.
But never together.
So because we have another week to wait, we can enjoy the build up.
Imagine, if you can, two people who have spent a lot of the previous years touring about the world with rock and roll circuses, trying to decide where to get married.
"I know!" he says. "The Tang brothers!"
(They are technicians working with him on the same Michael Jackson tour. )
"They have a beach hut in Barbados. They've said I can borrow it. Let's do it there!"
We call up embassies and collect our various paperwork.
When we arrive in Barbados, we discover that there is no civil ceremony...
you get married in church, or if you are active non believers like us...
you do it in court, in front of a judge.
But the first thing to do is to obtain a marriage licence a week beforehand.
So off we go to the appropriate government building... to sign lots of papers.

Suddenly nerves set in as we realise the enormity of what we are about to do.

Fortunately, nature has equipped us with hormones to see us through these precarious moments.
Soon to follow:
judge Theodore Walcott gives his legal opinion on our case (number 75, just after a case of theft)
my new husband narrowly escapes death by drowning on his wedding afternoon...
Our anniversary was on the 13th of this month. We've been married for 29 years.
My God, that's a long time.
Congratulations on yours though. That's not quite as long.
you must be eligible for some sort of award...
I do enjoy love stories. There is always a rueful and wry undertone, even in the happiest ones.
What brilliant faces on that photo as the realisation of your wedding sets in.
Amazing photos- very rock and roll! Definitely need to recreate the island vibe for your anniversary, whenever it is.
Well, you could have a practice anniversary celebration this Sunday then the real one a week later.
You could go to another exotic island, like Brehat, and you could try to drown him again...
Whatever you do, have fun!
Ohhh! More pictures please! And I hope you are going to tell us the story of the near drowning.
I will say Happy Anniversary to you a week early. At least it is a nice place for a honeymoon as I hear, hope you had a good one, and 19 years is a good while to be wed.
You have much the same attitude towards ceremony and solemnity as we did and do. We've been married for three years. It was the swiftest of happenings, during which Em struggled with the giggles and after which life went on much as before. You got better pics, though.
We have some hilarious memories from our 'wedding'. Oh well, it has lasted 42 years, in spite of the "Cheap, Registry Office" as one person waspishly referred to it.
Congratulations to you both!
Our anniversary is the 22nd. Autumn must be the time of year to be married. You both look so excited and nervous in the photos. I agree that you need to recreate that island feeling!
Brilliant pics.
And you are ACTIVE non-believers? Excellent. Me too.
Congratulation and have a happy 19th, whenever and wherever you celebrate! Great pics, and I, too, want to hear about the near-drowning.
Trying to catch up with your blog - big (and early) congratulations to you both! Love those pictures.
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