I had the strangest dream last night, lying in a deep bath of tepid cloudy water, trying to keep the wizened face of a very elderly baby out of the bathwater. I lost my grip, the strange face slid under and bubbles came out of its nostrils. I felt a sense of great relief... (I told you it was an odd dream)...
This morning the decision was made. I am trying to do too much. There is still a little space between my back and the wall.
I shall do the work that I enjoy, stop the work I dont enjoy, and look for more of the enjoyable stuff. Sounds like a plan?
I know which job I shall be stopping. I have just found a 90 euros parking ticket in my letter box which I acquired driving home from an unpaid meeting there....
6 hours ago
I have been swayed by unnecessary parking tickets.
Good, run while you can.
90 Euros! Good lord, woman! Where did you park in the ambulance zone of a hospital?
Good for you!
The baby dream sounds very creepy...
Bastards! Had to be a sign though didn't it? Tom got a speeding fine while we were driving to a notaire's meeting to arrange a landlease with the Dutch bulb pervert, it further hardened his heart against him...
The dream sounds weird but clearly had something to tell you, as it has influenced your decision.
Why am I writing all this here when I'm seeing you in an hour or two?!
The perfect plan! On a simpler scale, that's what I did.
And your dream is going straight into my next nightmare.
I just had a very strange dream too which involved me meeting some of my fvae Big Brother contestants.
And I just got myself a speeding ticket!
How coincidental. Or not.
Anyway, good on you for knowing when you're doing too much and doing something about it.
Start walking......go find your path.
Sounds like a great plan! :)
What a great post...
Thanks for sharing it.
I wonder if the symbolic baby dream is cleaning out the old creative approach to make way for the new? The plan sounds clear and to the point.It sounds as if the direction must be the right one for now? Good luck. This is a time of change for us all I think
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