Friday, November 6, 2009

The Summer twinning association of sri lanka and Brittany

We arrived at Unawatoona, a tiny beach with a variety of romantic cabanas built nearly in the sea. We selected our romantic cabana and looked to the heavens to see masses of exciting black cloud boiling over the sea, which then released rain with tropical fierceness. This has been going on for about two days now and I am starting to get used to the pounding of water on the roof and the crash of waves a metre away from our window, nearly...
I am hoping to get some sleep tonight...
The manager of our cabana told us that it is officially the start of summer here, and the monsoons are over. Really?
As I looked out at the dark grey sky and murky sea, I was irresistably reminded of a Summer in Brittany.
We are here for another two nights before flying back. When I have built up my courage, I shall look at the weather forecast.


Zhoen said...

Sounds like my idea of heaven.

amy said...

Quite romantic, in a dramatic, turbulent kind of way. hope you enjoy yourselves - sounds like a lovely place.

20th Century Woman said...

I do hope your last 2 days have some sun in them. Sri Lanka sounds exciting.

Lucy said...

Heheheh. Welcome home!