Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thank you Dave and Annie

Lately life has been a bit bitey.
I speak from the point of view of the bitten rather than the biter.
In fact both Porridge and I have suffered physical onslaughts, come to think of it.
That and the slow attrition of hostile household objects that we cant afford to replace.
You know, they all die at the same time, don't they?
We tend to get our money in unpredictable bursts and buy everything at the same time, so it is only to be expected.
Recently we have lost the use of the incoming fixed phone (it rings, but doesnt let you answer it, then it takes a message which is too noisy to hear), my mobile phone refuses to remember missed calls, or any calls at all in fact, and the washing machine went down in metaphoric flames after a spin cycle that lasted at least three hours...
I thought about taking my washing to the stone 'lavoir' in the stream across the valley and broke out in a cold sweat.
And then, while I was doing my tax return, another deep joy, I looked at my royalty collection web site and discovered:

a big payment ( well big for me!) had just come through from Eurythmics days.

Thank you Dave and Annie, you wrote some bloody good songs, and I was very lucky to sing some of them for a while. And how wonderful that people still want to buy them!
Things are looking up.


Lesley said...

I love the Eurythmics! *screams hysterically* I wanted to BE Annie Lennox at one point - when I saw her in concert wearing a red leather bra to be precise - so now I want to be you.

Dingo said...

It sounds as if you have appliance poltergeists. The only way to get rid of it is to set up a meeting with me and Annie Lennox. We'll discuss how to your appliance problem over drinks.

amy said...

Long may those royalties continue to pop up at just the right moment!

Now as to the stone lavoir, do people still use those things? I love happening on them in French villages but am still waiting to see somebody scrubbing their laundry down there...

Zhoen said...

Never rains but it pours and everything leaks.

No laundromat in your part of the world, I take it.

You are connected to Eurythmics?! Cool. Which ones? Can I go on iTunes and contribute to your washer fund?

Anonymous said...

Its weird how things, not just appliances,come along in one long stream. I was just checking our bank account today as it seems like we have been forking over money like its going out of fashion in the past couple of months, cars, health tests, college funds and cat attack, seems like it never ending these days.

Dick said...

Le Loi de Sod prevails the world over. Good news about the dosh, though. (I once got a royalty cheque for £4.92 27 years after the song had been recorded.)

20th Century Woman said...

Machines are sometimes enemies, checks are almost always friends. But please tell us how woman's best friend Porridge is.

Frances said...

Have also recently lost use of incoming phone so can completely relate. Pleased to hear that you had some royalties your way - love the Eurythmics, how awesome that you sung with them. Our washing machine sounds like a rocket going off, maybe they're from the same family!

Frances said...

Have also recently lost use of incoming phone so can completely relate. Pleased to hear that you had some royalties your way - love the Eurythmics, how awesome that you sung with them. Our washing machine sounds like a rocket going off, maybe they're from the same family!

Rosie said...

L, when you saw Annie in a red leather bra, I was one of the three strange women in the background...with hair frizzed and chains on our belts (the idea was for us to look like prison jailers) The next look was robotic black wigs...ah well it was the eighties...
D I'll be happy to meet you for a drink in New York and be exorcised. I dont hear from Annie these days, so dont expect she would come, but you never know!
A, the lavoir is my greatest fear...is it waiting for me when I am too old to work?
Z I am on the Eurythmics live album...which gets some airplay every now and then, which helps!
J, everything goes in cycles, including washing machines.
D, we will be seeing you soon when you come over...I love meeting other bloggers!
20th C Porridge is still a bit down in the mouth and subdued. I am hoping to cheer her this afternoon by going walkies with Lucy and Mol
Frances, there are six phones in our house and something is always wrong with one or another, perhaps they have formed a pact..

Anonymous said...

The secret to all machines, (and especially photocopiers) is not to let them know how much you need them and how important it is that they work NOW.


francetales.com said...

I remember all those people in the background. I too wanted to be Annie Lenox. My first time on your blog, very amusing read.

My rule of thumb about appliances, you get to kick them one time for each day they don't function properly.

cell phones are so cheap these days, maybe it is time to replace yours.

Suzy said...

EVERYBODY wanted to be Annie. And why not? Long live originality.

meggie said...

Yes, all the appliances die at the same time, & all the socks & teaspoons run off to dance together in secret in some other dimension. I really hate that.
Bravo on the Royalties!