I don't know what Kitty was looking for so eagerly on internet, but she was not put off by the absence of a mouse...
My absence this week has been due to total immersion in full time work which has come as a shock to my elderly system. I feel as though I have been rolled in a carpet and beaten with sticks.
My respect for teachers has risen to new heights. I was almost hoping that the French system would not allow me to teach English in schools, with my biology degree and a TEFL qualification since I wasn't sure I would be able to cope. Well I certainly had some exciting experiences which varied from having ink squirted at me, and two girls crying to me in the playground about bullying...to the wonderful sound of my new gospel singers in their workshop.
I hope I have done something about the problems, or at least set something in motion to show that I wont tolerate bullying of any kind. As for my new singers...I cant wait to see them again!
Now for a relax and a patrol around all of your blogs to see what you have been up to...
I always wondered if cat paws registered on touch pads.
(I've never wondered that really, I'm just making polite conversation)
I presume she was looking for the mouse...
Moby surfs on his butt.
Good for you for quashing the bullies, a much under appreciated policy.
The few cats I've known are just plain attention seekers! I like to read the newspaper sitting on the floor ... cats always seem to want to sit right in the middle of the paper even though there is plenty of space on the rest of the floor ... little beasts!
As I try to type this comment, Not a Dingo is sitting with her butt on my keyboard and her paws on the mouse. It's rather difficult to type reaching around a cat but it's a skill I've mastered.
Need advice!!There seem to be an awful lot of teaching jobs around at the mo where all you need is an English degree (which I have) and no experience required (which I also have). I have been applying for some of these jobs, but am not sure how well I will fare without a TEFL. Have been thinking about doing an internet one, as I can't afford a full on course. Do you think they are any good? Thanks TTx
Keep your pecker up, I hope it improves.
Cute kitty!
Tarte I did an online course for the same reason...it is a useful certificate to have and now schools are fighting over me...it is that time of year when those unexpectedly without teachers are desperate!
I wouldnt say that it prepared me for the joys of the classroom completely though...but I already had a lot of experience doing English theatre in schools so I sort of knew what I was in for.
...wait...your high heels have been replaced with clogs...? Oh my god! I feel for you! I will have to keep on reading to find out how ever you will survive! :-) Maybe I'll go ahead and subscribe... :-)
My cat also loves my pc.
Hope you soon get used to the shock! Very glad to hear you wont tolerate bullies.
Gosh, I haven't been over to read your blog for quite a while and I see you're now teaching ESL to kids! What age level?
I'm tutoring after school and evening (if I ever get any evening students and love it. It's so different from being at the front of the classroom. You don't have to worry about bullies or ink sprays! Best of luck with your new venture. :D
Can I ask which online course you did?
i did an online course with i-to-i
I hope your patrol takes in my blog post of today. There's a little award waiting for you - don't worry if you don't want to pick it up, just thank you for blogging.
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