Friday, January 25, 2008

The biter bit

Well… not really, because Porridge may be boisterous but she never bites.
But today was one attack too many. Whichever way we take our walk through the countryside, there are four different aggressive dogs awaiting us of varying sizes in various directions. There is a nasty little jack russel that attacks us in the neighbouring hamlet, a white something or other at the bottom of the hill, and a terrier thingy that looks like a broom with no handle just past the forest. Today their ranks were swollen by a doberman/bulldog which seems to be new in town, ominously belonging to someone renovating an as yet unlived in house a bit too close to us. Don’t these people ever exercise their dogs? Perhaps that is why they are bad tempered. The locals look at me as if I am mad to walk my dog, and I am starting to wonder if they are right.

Tomorrow I shall be taking a very big stick with me. If I am not back by nightfall…


meggie said...

Oh no. I hope Porridge was not bitten- nor you?
There are strict rules about dogs on leashes here.

Rosie said...

No, neither of us were bitten, just had our feathers ruffled. P has mastered the art of lying on her back, waving her legs in the air and fluttering her eyelashes when attacked by a dominant male. Seems to work, but I've never fancied it myself...

Lucy said...

That's not what I heard...

Anonymous said...

I have come to the conclusion that the French don't walk their dogs. They either carry them or let them run free in the hope that they will exercise themselves. If I was you I would use your stick on the terrier first - he is bound to be the ring leader! We have a fox terrier and he is always looking for a fight.