Monday, April 26, 2010

Chaos du Gouët

Those of you who are worrying that I am working too hard and/or wasting away on a diet entirely composed of soya beans in various shapes and forms can now breathe easily.
I have been researching a beauty spot which is a mere 8 minutes drive from my house, and, to my shame, I have only just discovered it after living here ten years!
There are twenty kilometers of pathways along the valley of the Gouët river, and I have made it my business to find the very best route with the largest lumpy rocks and the noisiest roaring water. The most marvellous part is called the chaos. I think it must be because of the great round rocks strewn randomly in the path of the river, abandoned by a glacier which I hope will not be coming back quite yet.

The sound of the water is so relaxing, and some of us quite enjoy swimming in it.

I tend to prefer watching others when it comes to physical exertion. I dont chase sticks either.

But sometimes even the wettest, muddiest and smelliest amongst us have to rest.
Luckily, Mysweet came along to take some pictures.


marja-leena said...

Oh, lovely spot indeed! Look at that sunshine on bare legs, it must be spring! Dogs do love the water, eh.

Zhoen said...

Nothing as enchanting as burbling water over glacial remains.

amy said...

Gorgeous spot, great photos! Makes me want to take a nice ramble.

Rosie said...

ml- It is so wonderful. And not too no one there.

z- the sound of bubbling water is very soothing. Blocks out my tinnitis.

a -get out there while the sun is shining. You might find tourists to engage in conversation...

Laura Paine Carr said...

Yes, this is inspiration to get outside! Out of the yard, even out of the vegetable garden, out out out!

Water is so soothing, and moving water seems to be the best. It does take some time to wear my dogs down so that we can have a quiet moment, as they do not like to waste a moment of romp.

Thanks. This was a nice little break ;-)

julia said...

That reminds me of the Gorges du Corong near my house in France.

It's beautifully wooded and very 'chaotic'

Rosie said...

swallowtail tell me how to wear my dog down, I dont seem to be able to get the bounce out of her
J where is the Gorges du Corong?

hexe said...

Looks so utterly lovely, especially since temperatures here reached 34.5 C today. I'm afraid roses would melt :)

julia said...

PS there! you've made me homesick again!

julia said...

Hi, goodness, I can't direct you because I have no sense of direction but on a map it's near Saint Servais, er, just past Callac, turn left at the roundabout, go into Saint Servais and turn right and follow the signs. the Landes de Locarn, that's nearby because once I set off walking from there and ended up in the gorge, I think

I do recommend it, it's a beautiful walk and on Remembrance Day someone leaves roses by the water..

I'll re-post about it tomorrow to whet your appetite