The raspberry harvest is nagging, Obama is on his own and I can't help, the dogs ear is looking dodgy again, and will French native speakers be able to sing the wonderful but complex Beyonce version of swing low sweet chariot in my new singing class. It's looking like another sleepless night.
Especially after Drummer boy's reaction when I told him about one of my English classes for technical students on vocational courses. "Mum, you must be really firm with them," he cried in horror. "We used to be awful, but they will be even worse. The first thing you must do is find out what the punishments are."
"And they will probably be enormous and quite old", he added as an afterthought.
Well that's alright then... I'll pop in to the hunting shop first thing Monday morning and stock up on defensive weapons.
1 day ago
And really, all I can say is that one day I was sitting in a bar in Beijing China and a gaggle (really, is that the proper term?) of female French flight attendants were sitting next to us speaking French and I melted into the floor. Such a beautiful language when all you have heard for 7 weeks is English, Chinese, and Russian.
The French language certainly sounds so soft & attractive, compared to the choppy sounds of Chinese.
Singing must be one of the best ways to absorb another language's pronunciation.
I start my TEFL course next week...maybe I should cancel? Seriously though, thanks for getting back me about which course you did - am doing the same one. Hope things perk up for you. TTx
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