The mystery boyfriend came to call, so I thought that I had better get to know him, since it seems to be true love.
We still don't know where he lives, but it can't be far away because he visits us only too frequently. Porridge has a gleam in her eye that I have never seen before.
The down side to this is that she slopes off with him when our backs are turned, and then comes home limping so badly that we were considering a visit to the vet a couple of days ago.
Oh yes, and Mysweet found him in the kitchen.
He is a clever dog, and he jumps up and down to open doors by hitting down on the handle.
We call him Billy boxer... but I expect he is an Alphonse or something like that. Billy boxer is not the only thing I call him when I have to clean all the mud and paw marks off the glass doors...
The course of true love never did run smooth. Friends come unexpectedly, and not always conveniently.
What joy, what ho!
Oh but imagine what lovely weird babies they'd have!
reminds me of the scruffy old tomcat who came visiting my girlie kitten years ago. The Rags called him Satan's Pussy because he was so anti-social and mean to us but he was devoted to Minka and never left her side. Ah, love amongst the four-pawed
Z-I hope they arent planning a family
M-He is at least friendly...
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